Messages From Thack
Christian Formation: A Lifelong Journey of Faith
“Grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To him be the glory both now and to the day of eternity.” 2 Peter 3:18
Do you know what the definition of a sacrament is?
Do you know the seven sacraments and rites of The Episcopal Church?
What is the “three-legged stool” of Anglican thought?
When was the first Book of Common Prayer published?
When was the first American edition of the Book of Common Prayer published?
What is The Episcopal Church’s historic connection to the Church of England and the broader Anglican Communion?
If you want to know the answers to these questions and many more, then we invite you to join us for our upcoming Adult and Youth Confirmation classes, beginning Sunday, February 16, and Tuesday, February 18, respectively. These Confirmation classes are an integral part of St. Paul’s Christian Formation program.
Christian formation is more than just preparing for Confirmation, it is a lifelong journey of growing in faith, deepening our understanding of Scripture, and strengthening our relationship with God and the Church. It is not a one-time event but an ongoing process that continues throughout our lives. Just as we continue to grow intellectually, emotionally, and socially, our faith must also be nurtured, shaped, and deepened.
The Confirmation classes at Saint Paul’s Episcopal Church provide a wonderful opportunity for both youth and adults to learn about the foundations of our faith and grow in their relationship with God. Together, we will explore the sacraments, the history of the Church, the richness of Anglican theology, and how we are called to live out our baptismal covenant in the world today.
These classes are designed to be engaging and interactive, offering participants a chance to ask questions, wrestle with theological ideas, and gain a deeper appreciation for what it means to be a Christian and Episcopalian. Topics will include, among other things: Holy Scripture; the meaning and significance of the sacraments; the structure and purpose of the Book of Common Prayer; the history and theology of The Episcopal Church and its place in the Anglican Communion; how Scripture, Tradition, and Reason, the “three-legged stool” of Anglican thought, shape our beliefs; the call to discipleship and how our faith impacts daily life.
Whether you are preparing for Confirmation, Reception, or Reaffirmation, or simply seeking to enrich your understanding of the Christian faith, these classes will be a time of learning, reflection, and spiritual growth.
While Confirmation is an important milestone in the Christian journey, it is not the final destination. As Episcopalians, we believe that Christian formation continues throughout our lives, from Sunday School and youth ministry to adult education, Bible studies, and personal prayer practices. We are all called to be lifelong learners in faith, continually deepening our understanding of God’s love and growing in our discipleship.
By participating in this journey of formation, we not only strengthen our own faith but also help build up the Body of Christ. A well-formed faith allows us to engage in thoughtful conversation, articulate what we believe, and live as witnesses to the Gospel in our communities.
We hope that you will prayerfully consider joining our Adult or Youth Confirmation classes as we embark on this exciting journey of faith and discovery. Whether you are a lifelong Episcopalian or new to the Church, there is always something new to learn, and there is always room for deeper growth in Christ.
The Adult Confirmation classes will begin next Sunday, February 16, at 2:00 p.m. in Malone Hall. The Youth Confirmation classes will commence on Tuesday, February 18 at 4:00 p.m. in Malone Hall. The minimum age for the Youth Confirmation classes is 12.
Please contact Terri in the church office at (251) 626-2421 to register for either class. It’s important to register in advance so I can procure the necessary study materials. Also, please contact me in the church office if you have any specific questions about either program. We look forward to walking this journey with you!
Peace, Thack